Energy Healing Course On-Line







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Energy Medicine Theory Qualification Available On-Line

Timothy’s course (in theory) can be purchased on-line in PDF format. There are 4 levels to the Energy Medicine series. For each level purchased you will receive two PDF files as email attachments covering the level purchased plus a questionnaire.

You can read the full content of each level of the course in great detail and benefit from the information shared on it. There are over 300 pages of information with illustrations over the 4 levels, the details of each course content are shown below.

On the successful completion on-line of each PDF questionnaire, an accredited theory completion certificate in Energy Medicine for each level, will be provided.

On completion of all four levels successfully, an accredited qualification in Energy Medicine levels 1, 2, 3 & 4 Theory, will be issued, five certificates in total.

Each level of this on-line course costs £111.00 bought separately, the total = £444.00 but if all four levels are purchased together, there is a saving of £45.00 total = £399.00

Each level must be purchased in order of sequence due to the gradual advancement of knowledge provided.

For further details please email Timothy at: [email protected] 

A wonderful course, I enjoyed level one so much and I have learnt a lot, I love the information provided and I am really looking forward to level two.

Miss KM Bristol


Why should you take the on-line Energy Medicine Course

The Energy Medicine course provides an in-depth introduction to being an energy therapist. Working with consciousness and understanding the human energy field to bring relief to others from suffering, helping them to raise their spiritual awareness, vibration and consciousness.

The information is compiled from Timothy’s 25+ years of experience as a humanistic and person-centred counsellor while using Spiritual Healing, Reiki, Reconnective Healing and Matrix Energetics healing modalities at master level to compliment the counselling therapy.

Spiritual topics of interest are included throughout the course to help the student gain wisdom that can be used in therapy sessions with their clients after qualifying.

This on-line version is for all those who are interested in learning about energy healing and related spiritual subjects but who perhaps live too far away to travel, are incapacitated or who for some reason do not want to take an in-person full Energy Medicine course.

Is your soul pushing you to fulfil your higher purpose, to help others perhaps, to make the world a better place or just to give something back?

Are you being called to working with energy but you’re not sure what to do or how to improve the service you are already providing?

Maybe you’re already a healer, life coach, counsellor, therapist or medical professional who sees the immense value in adding energy therapies to the services you already offer, to help your clients create massive improvements in their lives. 

Whatever the reason, we both know the Universe has led you to this information for a reason. Are you ready to attract in and live your higher divine purpose?

Are you ready to be empowered so as to heal yourself, family, friends, anyone?

Do you feel called to help bring yourself, others and the world back into peace, balance and harmony?

Do you have an ability that you want to improve on or wish to offer your ability in service for the benefit of others?

Do you want to learn more about spiritual topics?

If you answered YES! to one or more of the above questions, this energy medicine on-line theory course is for YOU! 

In level one of the course everything will be covered to provide the student with a foundation of knowledge to start their own practice, so that if they wish they can work with the general public professionally. In level two, three and four more advanced information will be provided.

True mastery comes with practice and even though this course will provide extensive knowledge in theory, it must be understood that to become a great energy therapist you must have practical experience and keep practicing your skills.

Students might not wish to work with the general public at present, however the information advice and wisdom gained from the course will enhance their confidence to work with others, even if they only intend to use their abilities to help family and friends for example.

Remember that what we are currently thinking might change as we develop, our confidence grows through experience.
Our higher wisdom knows us intimately and Spirit guides us, so if you are drawn to take this course then just trust that there is a higher power working with you here and just go for it!

The course is aimed at students who are aware that they are able to or wish to channel loving energy for the benefit of others. That can be someone perhaps who has already received basic training or have experienced energy therapy themselves. Now having worked on themselves they wish to help others and they might class themselves as a beginner.

At the other end of the spectrum this course is also aimed at someone who has worked with energies many times such as a Reiki master for example but who would like to learn more and have a greater understanding of working with conscious energy and of course anyone who considers themselves in between those two points.

There will be a beneficial consciousness shift, information provided and an advancement of skills for everyone taking this course no matter at what level they consider themselves to be.

What is important is that those taking part have an open heart and mind along with a willingness to allow change to come in for them, as it is possible for anyone to hang on to outdated ways of working or regimental thought patterns already taught to them from training they have already received.

The intention of the course is for the student to open to new possibilities of working at a higher level of understanding. As planet Earth’s vibration gets lighter, brighter, faster we have to adapt our consciousness and energy field to stay in line with it and even the best healing systems, like our science and technology have to change and upgrade over time.

The whole point of the course is to move the student forward in their knowledge and understanding of working with conscious energy. Energy provided by Source for you to help others with your fully open loving heart. Utilising your unique abilities in whichever way you find the most joy and fulfilment whilst providing the miracles you are capable of for another person’s wellbeing. On each level a series of spiritual topics relevant to energy work will also be covered in theory.

Hi Timothy, I just wanted to say I’m super grateful for everything you have done for me and helped me to do.

My life has changed dramatically since I started coming to you for help and learning to become an Energy Medicine therapist. I can’t express enough how much it means to me!

Thank you so much. I’m truly grateful.

Miss MH Swansea Qualified Energy Medicine Therapist.


Code of conduct
Client – Therapist relationship
Personal Hygiene
Advertising your services
Sample forms provided
What is the divine matrix or field?
Which hand works best for you?
Signs of being ungrounded
Simple grounding exercises
Pink bubble
Energy Bubble declaration
Grounding your client
An introduction to the human energy field and energy centre’s
The chakras and energy field system
The endocrine system
Chakra spin
Chakra system imbalances
Brief description of each chakra
Explanation of functions and issues connected to the chakras
The endocrine glands their function and purpose
The five other transcendental chakras
The 12 chakra chart
Working on different levels of the human energy field and corresponding chakras
Each level of the energy body in association with each chakra
Working on the chakras and different levels of the energy field
Feedback from the client
Cutting off and cleansing oneself


Quick Recap on level one
Allowing Source to work through us
A spiritual perspective
Working with Spirit
Ascended Masters
Spirit Guides
Angelic Beings
The elemental kingdom
Star Beings
How can we receive help from these Beings of Light?
A closer look at the human energy field
A closer look at a chakra
Working with more than one chakra
Working on different chakras simultaneously
The standing multiple chakra two-point
Scanning the energy field 
Working on multiple chakras laying down
The full body aura sweep
Earth connection energy sweep
Being Empathic
Working with consciousness
Setting an intent
Helping someone who is unable to talk about their problems
The observer effect
Things worth remembering when working with energy
Understanding touching at two points
Time line therapy
Feedback from the client.


Quick Recap on level one & two
Universal Laws (Divine Oneness, Vibration, Action, Correspondence, Cause and Effect Compensation, Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, Relativity, Polarity, Rhythm, Gender, Reciprocation, Gratitude, Abundance)
The Law of Attraction
How do we know which frequencies to deliver?
Setting up a yes or no system
How to use Frequencies and modules
Akashic records
Soul groups
Our galactic history
What are Parallel Universes?
What are Archetypes?
What are Morphic Fields?
Using flags to move or remove negative people and emotions
Changing the spin on problematic patterns
How to move someone energetically into a parallel universe
How to introduce archetypes
How to use flags and change the spin for negative people and thoughts.
Reference pages for balance polarity system


What does working 5th dimensionally mean
What is your Merkaba
Antakarana Bridge explained
5th dimensional next level activation and attunement
A better understanding
Extraterrestrial life
Planet and star comparisons
The upgraged human energy field
Delivery of advanced modules and frequencies
demonstrated & practiced
(emotional stress, endocrine, spiritual growth & structural module systems)
Additional 5th dimensional chakras and healing techniques
Remote healing explained
Earths 5th dimensional chakra system
5th dimensional chakras and light Beings assisting us
Metatron’s Cube explained
DNA explained
Releasing technique
Energy Dynamics
Programme Changing
Message from Home

These courses are being provided by
Healing from the Heart / Timothy Pope Training,

are accredited by the Asclepius Training Institute, which comes under the umbrella of the Society of Psychology and Healing (SOPH).
Timothy is also an approved and accredited teacher/ trainer & therapist with the I.P.H.M (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine).

Healing from the Heart Training

Asclepius Training Institute